Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's the Little Things

Why is it the little things in life are what trip us up? We can have death, disaster, all sorts of tragedy happen, but put a mouse in our house...look out! My life has been turned absolutely upside down this past couple of weeks since I discovered an infestation in my apartment. We have tried DCon peanut butter traps, pouches of poison, and numerous prayers for them to just evaporate. I am going on very little sleep at this point. I just want to get back to the safety & serenity I felt in my own home. What really chafes me is that I am paying for this experience! Fortunately I have a resident manager who is somewhat sympathetic & is trying to come up with any solution.

I just need to get the heck out of Dodge...if I had more avaiable funds I would spend a night in a hotel just to get a good day & nights rest...

1 comment:

  1. I am genuinely sorry to hear about your mouse problem! For me, it would be a minor inconvenience, but I know for you it would be a much bigger deal! Hope they make the little buggers move on soon.
